I believe that the importance of education is not restricted to qualifications and degrees, but it also plays a vital role in shaping the social and personal life of a student. I want to prepare my students benevolently with the ability to overcome the hurdles of life, to face the challenges of the day-to-day world and mostly with the compassion towards mankind.
I aim to give world class education to the students, with a promise to provide the best among all. Every student at AIS will be nurtured with the importance of being truthful, honest and rectitude, consequently creating intelligent and compassionate human beings.
I aim to spread the light of education and pave the path of academic excellence for every student. The Key focus areas would be creating opportunities, challenging minds, encouraging innovation and sustaining excitement. I want my teachers not only to teach the children the subjects but also inculcate values of commitment, zeal and pride in everything they do. It is my endeavor to provide an environment that fosters curiosity, encourages learning and the pursuit of excellence.